Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today I had to bribe myself into taking a walk. I'm not proud of this.

I'm not sure why I wasn't eager to go.

It was a beautiful day today - clear, sunny, in the 60's. Only yesterday I was noticing how good I feel when I take a walk outside.

The thing is, it's appallingly easy to collapse on the couch with my laptop when I get home from work. Never mind that I know that exercising on a regular basis, even if it's only walking, will dramatically cut my risk for several health problems that tend to run in my family.

Never mind that exercise will help me sing better.

Never mind that I'm sure to notice something lovely or interesting along the way.

Never mind that my mood improves whenever I do manage to get into the habit of exercising regularly.

Never mind that I have nifty new red shoes that are practically begging to be taken out for a walk.

None of that matters because I made the mistake of sitting down and playing on the computer when I got home.

I sat there enumerating to myself the benefits of getting off my ass and touring the neighborhood, but evidently I wasn't very convincing.

I don't wanna! I whined to myself.

Well, what if you walked to the store? I replied.


You could get a coffee.

Hm, maybe... nah.

Fine. You can check out their selection of books while you're there.


And just like that I was picking up my things and heading out the door.

Some day I hope to actually be a responsible adult instead of just pretending.

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